Wednesday, January 2, 2013


God plans

Looking at the order in which the world was created, it is evident that a lot of thought was put into his work. The creator God didn’t command the light just to see if it was the right kind, nor did he try to create the sky before separating the waters above from the ones below. The story of creation tells us that God loves order and he created everything in its own place and in its own time. He had a purpose for everything he created. Everyone on this earth was (is) part of the plan.
Psalm 22:10, Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13, proverbs 3: 5-6

God works per excellence

One of the surest ways to ensure your work is going as scheduled is to monitor and then evaluate. This is certainly something God did according to the creation story. Every now and then, He paused to look at what he had done and it was always good. For one to achieve excellence, one must work according to a well mapped out plan, work at it to the best of his ability and then check to ensure the work is coming out as planned. It cannot be disputed that God did an excellent job in the creation of things, nothing was a mistake, and nothing was patched up because God was tired or out of materials.

God thinks long term (The beginning of Sustainable development?)

When God was creating the earth and all it holds, he didn’t just create the first plants, animals and Man. He also made provision for the next set of young plants, animals and Man. He did his work such that the things he created could continue to bear ‘fruits and multiply’ by themselves. His love for continuity can be seen in the plan that man was supposed to exist with him for eternity. This plan was however disrupted by man’s disobedience to God. God being God, he still found a way: he gave up his Son, Jesus Christ, to die so that man will not be lost but would have a chance to live with him forever.

He had a succession plan

After He created, God gave responsibility of the earth to man. He told man to be fruitful and multiply and gave him control over all. Of course there was a purpose: for man to care for the earth and not destroy it.

I am sure that there are many more lessons to learn from the creation story but the most important one for me is that 'man was created for a purpose'. The skills and abilities we possess were given to us to give glory to God and also demonstrate the love of God to others. If you are using the talents you've been given, God is being glorified in your life. If you are using it to touch the lives of others, then you are actually doing what God has called you to do.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I wonder if people do things perfectly in January. I am guessing that it is the month where you have the most motivated people in the world and certainly the most hopeful. Who doesn't want everything right in the first month of the year? Especially after all the prosperity talk of the watch night services, the all-night prayers and candid resolutions made. All the positive vibes can be very catchy; you just want to break into dance from all the positive energy.  A new year certainly brings hope. We certainly do not want to ‘occupy’ anything in January 2013 or any other month of this year and I am praying that here in Nigeria and around the world, there are no natural disasters or man-made ones for that matter. Let’s lock it up in 2012 (I am starting to feel like a preacher. Preach it Sister). The end of something gives a kind of closure to it and the beginning gives a fresh start. It is always refreshing to start all over. If people were given the opportunity to start their entire life again, I am sure many would take it. I might.

Some people say ‘if you start well, you will end well’. If you have lived life as you should you would know that starting something is not an indication that you would finish it. The elements between the start and the finish connect the dots. The human elements include having a good justification for doing something, adequate planning, hard work  and smart work etc, and the spiritual element I know about (that works) is constant prayer (to God almighty). If you find any ‘baba’ or friend that tells you he can do something better, just go watch the really old Nollywood movies. They will inform you of all the possible ways a ‘baba’ can screw you up.

 If your year has not started well (even though day one is not over), do not fret. Just take it one day at a time. My slogan for this year is ‘No pain, No gain’.

I join everyone, with a hopeful heart, to wish you well beyond your imagination.
Happy New Year.