Friday, April 15, 2011


My Fellow Nigerians, TODAY we shall cast our votes for the man who we think is the most acceptable of the lot. A lot of messages and emails have circulated like wild fire casting doubts in our minds about each of the 'most likely to win' candidates. We have deliberated on who will be the candidate that would, like in the cartoon Superted, sprinkle some cosmic dust and bring Nigeria back to ‘life’. Would it be the General, the lecturer or the policeman?

Most Nigerians are tired of the ‘one-party’ system we have had and hope that perhaps someone from another party will bring the change we so desperately desire. I have this to say: Change has already come. Nigerians have woken up from their slumber, perhaps still drowsy but eyes have been opened. We are holding on to our rights and casting our votes. Of course there is the doubt that creeps into our minds that our votes would not count but people are rising up against all odds to cast their votes. If you don’t call it change, give it a name then.

Change for us will be gradual. We may not succeed in changing the system this time around but we have started changing ourselves. The saying that change must first come from within before it spreads is quite true. We are gradually dropping our laidback attitude. Everyone is talking, arguing, fighting about who should be voted for but most importantly we are making choices. The days when we would just fold our hands and say ‘shout from morning till night, the leaders will embezzle and there is nothing we can do about it’ is receding to the past gradually. Change does not necessarily have to begin from the top, it can start with us and so it has.

When we finally get a president (i am beginning to think that a lecturer, general or policeman would not matter because the people are getting stronger but prove me wrong) from this credible election (hopefully credible),we will not just sit back and let him do as he pleases. We will speak out more through every channel we have and demand that we are treated right. My great Nigerians, change has comes to us, albeit slowly, but it surely is here.