Thursday, December 31, 2009

My! My! what a year!

The year 2009 was very eventful – at least for me. When I woke up on that first day of January, I did with a dream to change Nigeria, a passion to help change our mental models, world views or whatever you want to call it. I told myself that I could do this. This was not my resolution for the year; it was more like a calling I called myself to. Truth be told, I abandoned the cause before you can say Smokey Robinson because I realised that to change the world one has to change herself first and I really had to practice what I was preaching. So I made myself my personal project for the year and believe me when I say that it was not an easy project. The consequences of some action I took however yielded results, rewarding results and I am better for it, Nigeria is better for it. I remember when I decided to give fitness a chance in my life. I felt so invigorated in those months. I would jog in the wee hours of the morning and finish up with crunches and other things that might or might not be called exercise such as dancing. At that time I was encouraging people to increase their physical activity so it was necessary for me to practice what I was preaching. However I had to stop the jogging because security was an issue. It is hard to move about early in the morning when you do not know if the person walking fast behind you is set to harm you.

I worked hard in 2009 and achieved some things. If I had worked harder, I would have achieved more with the help of God. Where I did not achieve what I sought after I did not give up, just postponed them till a more convenient time. Call it procrastination if you like. It was also a year I threw caution to the not let your minds run too far, all I did was let go of myself so that I could achieve more albeit I didn’t perform too well in that task, I tried.

I met people this year, great and small alike. I brainstormed, dined and laughed and worked with some while I cussed out a few (don’t ask me questions but I did regret some of the things I said). For those I truly hurt for some abstruse reason, or cut out their hearts from their chest when they didn’t deserve it, I am truly sorry. Of course I did some things that should not be mentioned for the sake of my sanity and yours but I have learnt considerable from them. All in all, I am a better spirit, better human, better friend, sister, better everything than I was at the beginning of the year and I give glory to God who helped me in the construction.

I must admit that I am not too excited about 2010 for the much known reason that the country has cancerous growth all over her body and there is not even palliative care in place for her. It does not take a prophet of doom to prophecy that things will be tough but we have God, we have hope and we will work hard to make it a successful year.

To all of you out there, I do not know how your year went but I figure, good or bad, we shall have a better chance to start afresh. I wish you all the things that I wish myself and they are God’s divine favour, blessings, protection and guidance. I wish you success in all your endeavours and progress in all your undertakings. I also wish that you have zeal to work towards a better Nigeria. Finally, I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Yeside Pikuda